
Leadership Presence

Examine theatrical creation as a metaphor for team building, innovation, creativity in the workplace and presence; build skills that will impact leadership in any chosen field.
Facilitated by: Quinn Bauriedel, Co-Founder, Pig Iron Theater

Featuring the Pig Iron Theater Company

“True presence is a highly sought after and crucially important skill for the modern executive.  Successful leaders in every discipline have that rare combination of confidence, charisma, self-awareness and inspiration.  Actors also search for a strong “stage presence”.  Easily seen and difficult to describe, stage presence or leadership presence is an attribute that we all feel is something which would make us better leaders.  While some might argue that presence is an innate quality, this workshop proves otherwise as we demystify the building blocks of presence and train ourselves to strengthen our own engagement with audiences.  You learn to be more “present,” will understand how to be more motivational as a leader, more convincing as a negotiator, and more open and honest as a team member.”

Designed for business students to examine theatrical creation as a metaphor for team building, innovation, creativity in the workplace, and presence. This workshop allows you (non-actors and actors alike) to build skills that impact your life as a leader in any chosen field. The workshop gives you a window into ensemble playmaking with an eye toward leadership principles in a fun, original, high energy, and accessible manner.

Learning Objectives

  • Build one’s presence in front of others and comfort onstage
  • Expand one’s collaborative decision-making model
  • Exercise one’s innate creative energies
  • Gain an awareness of the body’s expressiveness in communication
  • Learn techniques to generate ideas through group-think
  • Focus one’s energies on listening to and reading the audience


  • Date:
  • Time: 
  • Enrollment: 30 Participants
  • Location:
  • Facilitator: Quinn Bauriedel