Management 240: Group Dynamics

MGMT 240: Group Dynamics is offered only for first-time MGMT 100 TAs.

The primary goals are to enhance students’ capacities to perform as MGMT 100 TAs, increase knowledge of what makes groups work, and enhance awareness of individual strengths and areas for improvement as team members.

This course is designed to develop students’ skills in effectively designing, leading and consulting to teams in organizations. A highly interactive course with emphasis on class participation and experiential learning, a key goal of the course is to provide both the conceptual understanding and the behavioral skills required to implement strategies. Class sessions make use of a variety of approaches to teaching and learning, including the case method, simulation exercises and lectures. Students leave this class with knowledge of how to most effectively lead a team as well as how to be an effective team member.

Learning Team Initiative

In keeping with the course’s emphasis on learning by doing and on continual improvement, students contribute to enhancing the Wharton community through the Learning Team Initiative assignment, in which students work in teams to devise innovations that demonstrably enhances either MGMT 100 or MGMT 240.

The teams advocate for their plans in presentations to their MGMT 240 classmates and to the MGMT 100 Executive Board.  Some of the most useful activities and assignments in the MGMT 100 and MGMT 240 curricula originated as Learning Team Initiatives.

Featured Profile


Marissa Solomon, W’14

As a Management 240 TA, I have the opportunity to contribute to the Management 100 community at large by helping all first-year Management 100 TAs develop the facilitation techniques necessary to become successful in their new roles.