Undergraduate Venture Fellows

Wharton Leadership Ventures invites you to apply to become a Venture Fellow

Venture Fellows are a group of committed students who coordinate and help facilitate the learning opportunities on each venture.  This unique and talented group of students meet weekly throughout the year, participate in annual leadership trainings and have dedicated themselves to being service-focused students.

2023-24 Venture Fellow Information Slide Deck

Undergraduate Venture Portfolio

Note: Prior participation in a Wharton Leadership Venture is absolutely not necessary to apply for the fellowship.

The Role of a VF

Venture Fellows are carefully selected Freshman & Sophomore leaders who possess the following competencies:  Leadership Character, Diplomacy, Emotional Intelligence, Adaptability and Resilience, and Effective Communication.   Each year, approximately ~6-8 diverse and compassionate students are selected to serve as Venture Fellows for their remaining years at Penn.

Venture Fellows are responsible for assisting with Venture marketing efforts, conducting pre-trip information sessions and activities, serving as a coach and facilitator during ventures, and collecting information after the ventures to ensure continuous improvement of the program.

Venture Fellow Applications Open December 2023!

Recruiting Timeline:

Monday, November 27, 2023 – Information Session #1 – Slide Deck

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – JMHH (Huntsman) G50

Monday, December 4, 2023Venture Fellow Application Opens (Click here to apply)

Monday, January 22, 2024 – Information Session #2 – Slide Deck

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – JMHH (Huntsman) G50

Friday, January 26, 2024 – Venture Fellow Application Closes (at 11:59 p.m.)

Monday, January 29, 2024Friday, February 2, 2024 – Interviews

Saturday, February 10, 2024 – 2nd Round In-Person Event (in the morning), Onboarding Event for New VFs (in the evening)

Friday, February 16 – Sunday, February 18, 2024MANDATORY Venture Fellow Training and Onboarding (overnight)

Meet the Venture Fellows!

  • Meet the 2023-24 Venture Fellows here.

Are you a Venture Fellow alumni?

We want to connect with you!

        Fill out this form

2023-24 Venture Fellow Info Session Deck

  • Click HERE for the 2023-24 slide deck.


Erica Montemayor, Associate Director

Kellie Vetter, Program Coordinator

“My time as a venture fellow has been nothing short of spectacular. This program has placed me in the middle of some of the most interesting, human, and challenging circumstances among some of the most intelligent and insightful people that I’ve ever met. I’ve learned how to take care of myself through challenges that I can offer my support to others. I’ve climbed mountains in Patagonia, trained with firefighters in New York City, and built lifelong relationships right here in Philly. As my stint as a Venture Fellow has come to a close, I continue to find myself drawing nuggets of wisdom from my experiences with the program and I expect to continue growing from my time with WLV for years to come.” – Anonymous Venture Fellow

“Being a Venture Fellow has been the highlight of my college experience. I have had the opportunity to hike through the peaks of Patagonia, build bonds with other Wharton students through Expedition Training on the Appalachian Trail, and facilitate unique and impactful leadership development experiences for the Penn community from sailing to mountain biking trips. I would highly recommend this fellowship to anyone who is interested in the exploring the outdoors and fostering their own personal growth and development.” – Nicholas Yohn W’24, Venture Fellow Chair

“Being a venture fellow has allowed me to combine my passion for outdoor adventures with a non traditional learning experience on how to become a stronger communicator and team player. The diverse WLV community is amazing and I’ve met so many cool people from my experience here. I’m excited for what’s to come as I lead more intensives and learn about what it means to be a venture fellow. ” – Kai Mai, Venture Fellow

“This program changed my Penn experience. Through Venture Fellows I got to learn more about myself, and I got the opportunity to intimately get to know students of Wharton that I otherwise would not have met. Through the community and our programming I learned key skills in coaching and leadership, while also have fun and being part of so many wonderful adventures. I will never stop recommending this to anyone who wants to know what communities at Penn are worth joining. This is a top tier experience, and everyone should participate in programming and join the community.” – Gabrielle Coetzee W’24, Venture Fellow

More Venture Resources

Financial Aid

Scholarships for the Leadership Ventures are awarded annually for expedition-based Ventures. Only initial Terra Dotta registrants will be eligible for the Scholarship.

Policies and FAQs

In the Terra Dotta registration system, students should input their true preferences for all ventures.

We are here to help.

We encourage you to speak to any Venture Fellow or Associate Director Erica Montemayor.


Apply for a Fellowship

Venture Fellows are comprised of Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors who serve as student leaders on expeditions and intensives.  Prior participation in a Wharton Leadership Venture is not necessary to become a fellow.



Instagram: Whartonleadershipventures

Previous Venture Participant or VF Alumni?

Fill out this form