Caribbean Sailing

Caribbean Sailing

Sailing places participants in crews aboard modern sailboats in the Caribbean where they will be challenged to work effectively under highly fluid and dynamic conditions. Through daily challenges, participants develop technical sailing skills while testing and refining their leadership, communication and teamwork capabilities.

Important Dates:
Apply here 

Additional Costs for Participants Not Included in Land Costs:

Round-trip Flight to British Virgin Islands: ~$700 – $1,000
Gear (renting and borrowing encouraged): ~$TBD
Meals During Travel (before and after expedition): ~$60

Key Information


Date: March 4, 2018 – March 11, 2018

Participant fee: $2800

Number of seats: 12

Location: British Virgin Islands

Venture Fellows: Manju Ganti & Jamison Vulopas

Activities & Risks

Throughout the venture, we will be sailing for approximately 8 hrs a day and while the physical challenges associated with this venture are low-moderate, participants will be placed in intense situations and will be tested repeatedly as they seek to develop as people and as leaders.  Risks include prolonged sun exposure, sea sickness, deep water, multi-day exposure, and lightning.


There is no previous sailing experience required for this trip.

Costs & Equipment

The land cost of the venture will be $, which includes accommodation and meals during the voyage.  Participants are responsible for paying for and arranging their flights to .  No special sailing equipment or gear is required and all personal clothing and gear must be brought in soft-sided duffle. A full packing list will be provided to participants.