Leadership development opportunities outside of the classroom are highly customized to the needs of working professionals in Wharton’s Executive MBA program.
All WEMBA students – East, West, and Global – are encouraged to partake in the P3: Purpose Passion Principles program. Participants are matched into small groups that enable both community and accountability. P3 groups then engage in a series of structured discussions that explore diverse definitions of personal success and support intentional alignment of life and career choices.
Students in the MBA for Executives East and West can receive 360-degree leadership feedback with integrative support for their resulting development goals via six sessions with an executive coach as part of the Coaching and Feedback Program.
WEMBA students also have the chance to participate in a WEMBA-only Leadership Venture to Alaska. Several joint Ventures opportunities with FT MBA students include Leadership Intensives such as FDNY and Quantico. These experiential learning opportunities provide students the opportunity to step out of their comfort zone, exceed personal limitations and experience leadership firsthand.
Explore Our Programs
Executive Coaching and Feedback Program
One-on-one coaching sessions allow students to engage in self-directed individualized leadership development.
Expeditions, Intensives, and Workshops
WEMBA students focus on teamwork and challenge in unfamiliar contexts
P3: Purpose, Passions, Principles
P3 is a five-week program designed for students to gain a deeper understanding of their own definition of happiness in order to more successfully align professional and personal experiences.
Contact Us
Samantha Stahl