The following are the most frequently asked questions we receive from incoming students regarding the Learning Team Retreat and the Big Idea. See if your question is below!
Is attendance at the Learning Team Retreat and the Big Idea mandatory?
Yes, you are required to attend the Learning Team Retreat and the Big Idea as part of the MBA program.
What are some of the retreat activities?
The retreat is primarily designed for you to launch your team; therefore, most activities will be team-based, including team-building exercises. The purpose of these activities is to begin to get to know your teammates, further define your approach to your team, and build a foundation to work effectively together.
Is the retreat similar to corporate retreats?
If you have attended a management development program in the past, you may find some of the team exercises familiar, but unlike these programs you are now working with your peers in a leaderless group. Exercises are designed to help your Learning Team get to know one another, have fun, and successfully begin your Wharton experience.
What do I need to know about the Learning Team Retreat and Big Idea?
The Learning Team Retreat and Big Idea take place August 14-16, 2017. These events require attendance and run all day. The Learning Team Retreat takes place outdoors and involves active participation. The Big Idea is an innovation tournament located on campus. Together, these events prepare you for the teamwork expected within MGMT610 and provide a foundational learning laboratory on the interplay between individual behaviors and effective teamwork.