Worried about how job offers in different cities will impact your relationship? Unsure how to prioritize two careers simultaneously? Thinking about starting a family and concerned about fertility or how to accommodate childcare with work schedules? Eager to plan a life that will allow both you and your partner to find meaningful work, financial security, and a fulfilling personal life?
Join Wharton Women in Business (WWIB), Wharton Male Allies (WMA), the McNulty Leadership Program as we host three Wharton alumni inspiring couples. Each lunchtime session features a different couple highlighting a variety of industries, lifestyles, points in their careers, and geographic locations. Come to hear them share the strategies that allowed them to balance successful careers, family planning, and supporting each other on their journeys for an equal partnership.
About WWIB
Wharton Women in Business (WWIB) represents over 650 female students and partners in the Wharton MBA program. Our mission is to further develop the voices of all these women as confident female leaders—within WWIB, Wharton, and most importantly, with the world.
About WMA
Wharton Male Allies represent Wharton men who are passionate about becoming gender equity champions in their personal and professional lives.