
Leadership Ventures

Spring Undergraduate WLV Intensive: Seats Released 3/3! 

Spring Undergraduate WLV Venture X: Applications open 3/18!

Please find the slide deck from the September 2023 info session here

Leadership Ventures are experiences that facilitate self-discovery, leadership, and character development. Participants are able to step out of their comfort zone, exceed personal limitations, and experience leadership firsthand.

All applications are submitted through Terra Dotta. The application cycles open in August (for fall intensives and all expeditions) and January (for spring intensives).

The defining characteristics of a Venture include:

  • Limited distractions
  • Immersion event — limited opportunities to quit or exit
  • Critical decision-making — the outcome is dependent on the decisions of the leader of the day and the team
  • Authentic uncertainty —path/process to goal or outcome is not guaranteed, risk of failure is inherent
  • Opportunities of stress — from ambiguity, risk of failure, conflict, and unfamiliar roles and responsibilities
  • Expedition and goal-oriented with many opportunities for reflection

There are three types of Undergraduate Leadership Ventures: Expeditions, Intensives, and Venture X.

2024-25 Venture Portfolio


Expeditions are outdoor, experiential learning treks that provide genuine environments of uncertainty and challenge. Expeditions generally range from 6 to 8 day overnight trips and can be high in physical intensity.


The calendar of Undergraduate WLV Expeditions for 2024-25 is as follows:

[WLV] UGR Vodudahue Cloud Forest Patagonia ExpeditionPumalin Park, ChileWinter BreakBackcountry Trekking, Rafting$2800
[WLV] UGR Highlands Traverse - Ecuador ExpeditionCotopaxi National Park, EcuadorSpring BreakHigh altitude backpacking, navigation, tent camping$2800
VentureHeavy Pack12+ Hour DayAltitudeIrregular SleepSea SicknessCold WeatherLong Trek
Vodudahue Cloud Forest, PatagoniaXXXX
Highlands Traverse, EcuadorXXXX

Winter Break Expeditions

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 – Applications Open

Monday, September 16, 2024 – Application Deadline

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 – Decisions Released / Rolling Admissions Opens

Spring Break Expeditions

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 – Applications Open

Monday, November 4, 2024 – Application Deadline

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 – Decisions Released / Rolling Admissions Opens


Intensives are consolidated and immersive group based experiences ranging from 1-2 days. They provide genuine environments of uncertainty and challenge.

With a minimal time commitment and cost, intensives, are an ideal way to add to your leadership portfolio as an undergraduate at Wharton.  Some opportunities gained by attending an intensive include:

  • Potential for self-discovery and character building
  • Testing your personal leadership style and building on your strengths through feedback
  • Enhancing management skills and team performance by increasing knowledge and skills that govern small group behavior dynamics

The calendar of Undergraduate WLV Intensives for 2024-25 is as follows:

VentureLocationFall DateSpring DateFocusCost
[WLV] UGR Sailing IntensiveAnnapolis, MDSeptember 27, 2024N/ASailing Skills, Leadership, Communication$50
[WLV] UGR Gunks Traverse IntensiveMohonk Preserve, NYN/AApril 18, 2025Mountain Biking, Team Cohesion, Decision Making, Navigation$50
[WLV] UGR High Ropes IntensivePhiladelphia, PAOctober 25, 2024N/AHigh Ropes, Leadership & Reaction, Team Building, Communication$30

Fall Intensives

Tuesday August 27, 2024 – Applications Open

Thursday, September 5, 2024 – Application Deadline

Monday, September 9, 2024 – Decisions Released / Rolling Admissions Opens

Spring Intensives

Monday, February 17, 2025 – Applications Open

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 – Application Deadline

Week of March 3, 2025 – Decisions Released / Rolling Admissions Opens

Venture X | Connection@Wharton

Connection@Wharton Mission Statement
To systematically broaden and deepen connections in the Wharton ecosystem, with the goal of developing a community that can be resilient both in response to individual needs and robust in future macro-level crises.

As part of our mission, we will:

  1. Foster community engagement across and within Wharton constituencies;
  2.  Act as a hub for connection-related resources and events offered by Penn and Wharton;
  3. Amplify the work of other Penn connection-centered organizations, particularly as most relevant to the Wharton community;
  4. Design experiences focused on nurturing community and facilitating productive communication, and,
  5. Create accessible ways for those who experience challenges to connection to be heard and supported.

The calendar of Undergraduate WLV Venture X for 2024-25 is as follows:

VentureLocationFall DateSpring DateFocusCost
Select [WLV] UGR WissahickonWissahikon TrailsFriday, Nov. 8thApril 11, 2025Hiking, Communication, ConnectionFree
[WLV] UGR PaddlingEast Park Reservoir, PhiladelphiaN/AN/APaddling, Team Cohesion, Decision Making, Navigation, ConnectionFree

Spring 2025 WLV Undergraduate Venture X Application Cycle:

Tuesday, March 18, 2025– Applications Open

Thursday, March 27, 2024 – Application Deadline

Monday, March 31, 2024 – Decisions Released / Rolling Admissions Opens

Financial Aid

Intensive Program Fee Subsidy

2024-2025 Subsidy

Through the generosity of the McNulty Leadership Program, a subsidy has been applied to all undergraduate leadership intensives. The advertised program cost to students to participate on intensives covers the entire cost of the venture including the program, meals, and transportation.

Any student awarded a seat but cannot pay the program fee due to financial hardship and may reach out to Associate Director, Erica Montemayor emont@wharton.upenn.edu

Expedition Scholarship Program

Wharton students receiving financial aid from Penn may be eligible for a scholarship seat for Wharton Leadership Ventures (WLV). Please note that scholarships are coordinated by Wharton Leadership Ventures and not Student Financial Aid.  Wharton Leadership Ventures are co-curricular experiences, not credit-bearing. Any financial assistance granted through the generosity of the McNulty Leadership Program will not be added to the student’s financial aid package.

The McNulty Leadership Program will provide a limited number of scholarship seats undergraduate Expeditions. Scholarships cover the registration costs for the expedition. Scholarships DO NOT include flights and gear. If awarded a scholarship, you will be responsible for all costs associated with flights, and gear.

Applications submitted through the initial registration period in  Terra Dotta will be reviewed and verified by Student Financial Aid, based on previously submitted financial information. Questions about financial aid eligibility should be directed to Student Financial Aid.

Candidates eligible for full scholarships will be notified of their status after applications close but before seat decisions are released. If you are not eligible for a scholarship, you will be notified and can choose to accept or decline a seat offer on a Venture, if offered. If you are not awarded a scholarship seat, and you accept a seat offer on a Venture, you will be agreeing to full payment for the seat. ​​​​​​​We ask that students only apply for a scholarship if that’s the only way one could attend an expedition.

*Only those who apply for a Venture during the initial registration period will be considered for a scholarship. Those who apply during rolling admissions will not be considered.

WLV Undergraduate Ventures

WLV Undergraduate Intensives

More Venture Resources

Financial Aid

Scholarships for the Leadership Ventures are awarded annually for expedition-based Ventures. Only initial Terra Dotta registrants will be eligible for the Scholarship.

Policies and FAQs

In the Terra Dotta registration system, students should input their true preferences for all ventures.

We are here to help.

We encourage you to speak to any Venture Fellow or Associate Director Erica Montemayor.


Apply for a Fellowship

Venture Fellows are comprised of Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors who serve as student leaders on expeditions and intensives.  Prior participation in a Wharton Leadership Venture is not necessary to become a fellow. Wharton Leadership Ventures adheres to the University of Pennsylvania Policy on Equal Opportunity.



Instagram: Whartonleadershipventures

Previous Venture Participant or VF Alumni?

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